The dramatic repercussions of a serious act of racially-motivated violence. The victims are a Lebanese family living in an outer-Sydney suburb. Their teenage son, Billal is run-down by a car sustaining massive brain injury. The film, shot over a period of 15 months, follows the dramatic twists and turns in the life of the family as they slowly come to terms with this traumatic event.

Year: 1996

Runtime: 90 minutes

Written, directed & produced by Tom Zubrycki.

Awards & Festivals: Mumbai International Film Festival for Documentary, Short & Animation Films (1998), Golden Gate Awards - San Francisco Film Society (1997), Sydney Film Festival (1996), Leipzig International Festival of Documentary and Animation Films (1996), The Hamptons International Film Festival (1996), Festival Dei Popoli (1996), International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam (1996), Melbourne Film Festival (1996).